Occasional Papers

This space will feature conference papers, research reports, reflection pieces and reviews which provide snapshots of the on-going research and research-creation activities of Centre members.


Crip Sensorama: Re-Imagining XR with People with Sensorimotor Disabilities through Criptastic Hacking
Puneet Jain

Canada must make communication more inclusive for deaf people
Paula Bath

Dancing the Kleptocene
VK Preston

Prologue: A Short History of the History of the Senses as a Field of Study, from Montreal to Mar del Plata
David Howes

Crossing Senses and Crossing Disciplines at the “Mount of Truth”
David Howes

The misperception of the environment: A critical evaluation of the work of Tim Ingold and an alternative guide to the use of the senses in anthropological theory
David Howes

Perfume, Atmospheres and Agency – Seeking Identity in the Ephemeral
Jayanthan Sriram



Next-Generation Sensory Studies Scholarship: Breaking Research
David Howes

The Rehabilitation of Olfaction: Cultural and Cognitive Dimensions of Perfumery
David Howes

Green Pleasures: Sustainable Cities and the Senses
Constance Classen

¡Co-existimos! A multi-species inquiry into morpho butterflies as urban companion species
Melina Campos Ortiz

Open Source Sentience: the Proof is in the Performance
Joseph Thibodeau and Ceyda Yolgormez

Rethinking Congenital Synaesthesia
David Howes and Anton Dorso, TT Journal 1(3)

The Expanding Field of Sensory Studies
David Howes

The Senses
Constance Classen

Mediations of Sensation: Designing Performative Sensory Environments
David Howes and Chris Salter

Preface: Accounting for Taste. In Luca Vercelloni, The Invention of Taste: A Cultural Account of Desire, Delight and Disgust in Fashion, Food and Art (Sensory Studies Series).
David Howes

Reimagine Perspective
Piet Devos

From the Skin Ego to the Psychic Envelope: An Introduction to the Work of Didier Anzieu
Marc Lafrance

The Extended Sensorium: Introduction to the Sensory and Social Thought of François Laplantine. In François Laplantine, The Life of the Senses: Introduction to a Modal Anthropology (Sensory Studies Series).
David Howes

Sense and Social Anthropology
Maureen Matthews, Curator of Ethnology, The Manitoba Museum

The Efficacy Of The Virtual: From Che As Sign To Che As Agent
Carolina Cambre



Healing through sound: An exploration of a vocal sound healing method in Great Britain
Shelley Snow

Burning Man: Transforming Community through Countercultural Ritual Process
Jess McCaffrey

How to Make Sense: Sensory Modification in Grinder Subculture
Mark Doerksen

La mise en valeur muséale du patrimoine autochtone auprès de la société québécoise : le modèle de La Maison amérindienne – aspects organisationnel, géographique, interculturel et multisensoriel
Gabrielle Desgagné

Home altars and sacred atmospheres: living spirituality in the domestic space. An ethnography with practitioners from Argentina.
Ariana Seferiades Prece

Tasting Physical Expression: A Sensorial and Cultural Analysis of the Notion of Rasa in Classical Indian Dance
Marie-Josée Blanchard

(Re)imagining a Sensing and Feeling Human: On the Creation of Exclusions Through the Visual in International Human Rights
Elisabeth Roy Trudel

Le reflet du monde est à l’intérieur de moi : une ethnographie poétique de l’expérience de l’agoraphobie en Norvège
Roseline Lambert

After Transparency / Towards an architecture of reflection
Gabriel Peña Tijerina

In the Spirit of Engagement: Memories and the Sensorium in Algonquin Canoe Building
Jonathan Goldner

The Sonic Operative: Sound, Activism, and the Politics of Response to Post-Soviet Crises
Olya Zikrata



Sensing Cultures: Cinema, Ethnography and the Senses
David Howes

Touched by Surrealism: Reflections on a New Sensory Approach to Literature
Piet Devos

Touching and Making: Encounters with Matter
Charles Gagnon

From Eighteenth Century Proto-Restaurant to Twenty-first Century Artist’s Restaurant: Sensory Experiences, Class Identities, and Dining Interiors
Mark Clintberg

The Aesthetics of Mixing the Senses
David Howes

The Sensorium of the Extraordinary
Chris Salter

The Craft of the Senses
David Howes



The Sensory City Workshop: Sensing the City through Touch and Taste
David Howes, Kim Morgan, Martha Radice, and David Szanto

Casino Ethnography 2.0
Casino Ethnography Working Group



How Capitalism Came to Its Senses – and Yours: The Invention of Sensory Marketing
David Howes

Brand Memory Effects of Retronasal Olfaction
Bianca Grohmann and David Thomas

H&M et COS : boutiques d’une même famille aux sensations contrastées
Ophélie Proulx-Giraldeau



Sheryl Boyle

Sensory Readings in Architecture
Sheryl Boyle

A Co-Design Exploration: Designing Sensor-Enabled Exercise Wear for Aging
Lois Frankel



Litigating the Carceral Soundscape
David Howes and Simcha Walfish

Law’s Sensorium: On the Media of Law and the Evidence of the Senses, From Sensing Law (2017)
David Howes

Prologue: Introducing Sensori-Legal Studies, from Troubling Law’s Sensorium, CJLS thematic issue (2019)
David Howes