Alina Hruba

Alina Hruba is interested in combining metaphysical manifestations with written norms, intuitional with rational approaches to law, and exploring the courts from a multisensory perspective. During her academic journey, Alina began practicing tarot readings to reflect on collective and personal subconsciousness, address matters of injustice, and reawaken to a new self that is independent of social expectations. She is actively engaged in sensory analysis of the courtroom, from the perspective of hearing and beyond, promoting novel ways of exploration of access to justice in developing countries, moving beyond traditional ways in the implementation of the law. Her research calls to unburden the rational complexity of the law, reawaken its senses, and reclaim the anthropological approach to the functioning of legal institutions.

Doctoral researcher in Sensory Law
MSCA4Ukraine Fellow (funded by the European Union) (2023-2025)
Centre of Excellence in Law, Identity, and the European Narratives; Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, Finland
Department of Human Rights and Legal Methodology, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Hruba, A. To Be or Not to Be Heard: An Introduction to Sensori-Legal Studies and Sensory Dimensions of the Courtroom. Philosophy of Law and General Theory of Law [fothcoming].

Aparna, K., Hruba, A. Spell-ing Healing in Times of Transformation: Rituals for Academics in Existential Transitions. A Decolonial Manual. Punctum Books [fothcoming].

Hruba, A., Vasquez, M.C.S. (2023). Nordic Roadmap Toward an EU-Wide and Seamless CrossBorder Cooperation on Judicial Matters. In: Ramiro Troitiño, D., Kerikmäe, T., Hamuľák, O. (eds) Digital Development of the European Union. Springer, Cham.