Dr. Carolina Cambre, Associate Professor, Concordia University, Montreal CA. Her work explores vernacular visual expression asking: How do people produce and direct the visual space. How is the image a doing? What are the social and cultural work/ings of images? She has ongoing projects on visual processes of legitimation, representation of online sharing, the visual politics of identity, and polymedia literacies. She is the author of: The Semiotics of Che Guevara: Affective gateways (2015) and co-author of The Filtered Face: Toward a Sociology of Selfies (Routledge, forthcoming) with Christine Lavrence. Cambre is also co-editor of the forthcoming collections, Representation/Presentation/
Faculty Page: https://www.concordia.ca/artsci/education/faculty.html?fpid=carolina-cambre
Academia Page: https://concordia.academia.edu/mariacarolinacambre