Dark Forest//Invincible Summer

Jennifer Grossman

Dark Forest//Invincible Summer is a video/sound work and installation that explores synaesthetic sensory awareness and embodiment in the act of looking and listening; sensing as being. It explores the dimensional experience of immersion, the abstract recollection of felt imagery attached to memory as well as the liminal space between “objective reality” and consciousness, dissociation and intimacy. Through the deconstruction and re-assemblance of sensory media artifacts into a video and sound collage, the experience of a displaced environment is recreated as well as the act of perceptual framing. The work moves between the hyper-present and the meditative, the internal and external, and slight moments of disorientation; subtle changes in color, pacing, fading, blur, shape, texture as well as ebs and flows of sonic spatiality.“Our cognitive awareness – conscious as well as unconscious – consists of multiple strands of signification, woven of shifting fragments of imagery, sensation and malleable memory. Works of sensory media are capable of echoing or reflecting or embodying these kinds of multiple simultaneous strands of signification.” (Ernst Karel)

See jenngrossman.net for more info

Live Version