Sofian Audry

Sofian Audry is a Montreal-based artist and researcher who uses computer programming as his primary medium, creating works through different forms such as robotics, electronics intervention, interactive installations and net art. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Sciences and Mathematics (2001), a M. Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Montreal (machine learning and language modeling, 2003), and an M.A. in Communications from UQAM (interactive media, 2010). He is currently studying in the Ph.D. Humanities program at Concordia University. His work has been presented in Canada, Europe, Asia and Africa in many festivals and exhibitions.
His Ph.D. research project examines media art practices based on computational agents that have a capacity to adapt to their environment. It looks at the techno-cultural context surrounding these practices from the perspectives of science and technology studies, digital cultural practices, contemporary art and computer science. It relies on a research-creation process in which agent-based artworks are used both as a way to get a first-hand understanding of the creative practice of adaptive agents and to critically engage with the science and humanities theory. Hi long-term project is to propose new forms of aesthetic experience through the development of adaptive works using machine-learning algorithms.