Melissa Tamporello

Melissa Tamporello is a new media artist and teacher based in Montreal, Canada. She is currently a graduate student at Concordia University in Art Education, President of the Art Education Graduate Student Association and Director of Fine Arts in the Graduate Student Association. Melissa’s artistic practice is rooted in technology art namely experimental animation, video, sound, and short film. She teaches 3D and stop motion animation workshops to students in high schools and in the museum setting.
Her research is devoted to creative engagement through technology in museum education. She is currently developing a pilot project using ‘digital painting’ with iPads to understand how museum visitors using multi-senses engage with works of art beyond looking. Melissa worked on a collaborative project for Nuit Blanche in Montreal where she animated an artwork using performance and storytelling. She will continue aspects of this project through the creation of a sound walk to be presented at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
Melissa holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of New Orleans in Studio Arts, focused in printmaking and animation. Upon graduating, she received the Trish Hollis Excellence in Design Award, Academic Excellence Award, and Ambassador Leadership Award. She has shown work in New Orleans based galleries such as Michalopoulos Studios, Mid City Theater, Ten Gallery, and University of New Orleans St. Claude Gallery. Melissa has worked as a graphic artist for nonprofit organizations- Ric Rack and Hope Home.