Kirsty Jones

Kirsty Jones has recently completed her MPhil in Old Testament at the University of Cambridge, with a research interest in Disability in the Old Testament and Biblical Ethics of Disability. Her thesis, ‘Inclusion in the Prophetic Utopian Visions’, investigates the role of inclusion of individuals with disabilities within Isaiah and Jeremiah, and the implication of healing/non-healing tropes within the wider biblical text. More broadly, she studies how the senses are evaluated and used in Scripture, the implications of this for understanding sensory disabilities and upon presentations of emotive and cognitive revelation and response.
During her time at the Centre for Sensory Studies, in the Fall of 2016, she attended classes given by David Howes and Constance Classen, assisted with and attended a conference of the International Visual Literacy Association and undertook independent research. She benefitted from the input of the centre’s experts and material resources, which enabled her to gain insight into the existing field of sensory studies and inspired her to continue working at the intersection between biblical, disability and sensory studies.